Wading Through Treacle….

At the moment everything feels like a massive challenge.  Having to make major changes to your life is bloody difficult at the best of times however, when the changes are forced and not really of your doing, it makes it even tougher to come to terms with. I have tried to keep myself calm andContinue reading “Wading Through Treacle….”

Stress at Work: The Overloaded Inbox

Modern technology is meant to make life easier, and while in part it does, it is also the cause of a lot of stress, especially at work. E-mail is just one of those technological achievements.  While it is great to be able to contact someone quickly and is environmentally friendly, it also adds a lotContinue reading “Stress at Work: The Overloaded Inbox”

Back to School – Introduction to Counselling, Level 2

I left school when I was 17; I had finished my A-Levels and couldn’t get out of the place quick enough. It is safe to say that I hated school, or maybe I should say my school; it was fine if you were one of the smart ones or really good at sports, but ifContinue reading “Back to School – Introduction to Counselling, Level 2”

Anxiety and the Brain, Part 4: The Amygdala Pathway

The Amygdala is a tiny piece of the brain, but don’t let it’s size fool you, it is actually one of the biggest, most important pieces of the anxiety puzzle. Located near the centre of the brain; it is the source of many of our emotional reactions, both positive and negative. It also forms andContinue reading “Anxiety and the Brain, Part 4: The Amygdala Pathway”

Anxiety and the Brain, Part 3: The Cortex Pathway

In part 2 of this series we looked at the basics of how anxiety is created in the brain, and highlighted the two main parts of the brain that cause anxiety and the physical responses we experience when feeling anxious. In parts 3 and 4 we will look at the two key parts or pathwaysContinue reading “Anxiety and the Brain, Part 3: The Cortex Pathway”